Saturday, July 18, 2009


It's Saturday and we're being told that we actually can take Emily home. As it is though, we're going to take today and relax, practice doing the catheterization with nursing guidance so we can feel a little more comfortable doing it on our own. It's going to be a minimum of 4 times a day indefinitely.

Good new though. Emily took 13 steps across the floor with some assistance. It's incredible considering where she's been and what her immobility has been up to now. That's certainly a positive sign of her regaining the ability to walk again.

We can only guess what the pain feels like in her legs. More than likely a nerve pain much like when you hit your funny bone and you feel that shock into your pinkie finger. We have no idea to what degree though.

The plan is to rest and check out tomorrow. She's been given a wheelchair loaner until she can be fitted with one custom to her size. Of course, we're hoping, by that time, she won't need a chair. We're loaded down with boxes of catheters, surgical gloves, lubricant and iodine swabs, as well as pull ups.

We look forward to going home and would have today, but came to the conclusion that today would be good day to rejuvenate and then start all the buzz of packing up tomorrow.


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