Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Status - Day 2 after Surgery

We just had the doctor in and was told we can expect her to be here a couple more days. We're still holding out for her to be able to walk around by herself and also go to the potty. They want to see evidence that her bladder is working properly.

Maria Marcela will be staying at least another night while Andrew and I go home so he can go to school and I can go to work tomorrow.

Emily has stood up on her own. She's also tempermental when staff come in. Otherwise she is doing fine. Since she's prone to seek a great deal of sympathy, we're not too sure when it really hurts and doesn't. The doctor tells us that kids typically think they're hurting more than they really are, that it's more psychological. I just wonder if they got that information from a kid. ;)
The red blotch on her chin from being in that position for nearly 6 hours has cleared up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your family has been through so much! We are praying for Emily Mei and her family. May God bless you all with his healing power and comfort. The Crawford family, Bullard, TX