Monday, October 27, 2008

In Surgery Now

Just thought I'd drop an update and a few notes.
It's a few minutes after 10 a.m. We're in the waiting room now and just received a call from the operating room that they're going to be another 45 minutes to an hour, but she is doing fine.

Emily and I got up early this morning to be here by 6 a.m. She was very calm and even allowed me to take her ear rings out without any pouting. :) She likes her ear rings.

Anyway, she only became disturbed when the room we were in was suddenly bombarded by about 6-8 people. This was when they shot a burst of liquid in her nose to start sedating her. Here is a pic of her in hospital gown.
The other procedure I was trying to think of in the previous post is called "diastatomyelia" which is describing what they will do for the area where her spine splits in two and then comes back together.
One interesting thing occurred this morning when the doctor performing the surgery asked me if he could pray over her. I told him that we've had many people praying for her and I certainly wasn't going to turn down one more.
We'll give you more news as we receive it.
Thank you to all have expressed concern and prayed for her to be made whole physically.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am praying for sweet little Emily. I feel confident that our Father will protect her.
