Monday, October 27, 2008

Out of Surgery

After nearly six hours of waiting, we spoke to the neurosurgeon and he tells us the surgery was a success. He said it was very difficult however. They made one larger incision than two and upon making the first cut to release the cord, it expanded about an inch, which served as proof that she was in dire need of this surgery.

We're going to get the details in writing as requested since all we heard was that she was alright. I will hope to copy that to the blog.

She's now awake and moving her legs. We're told that they're going to call us back in about an hour. Maria will probably stay with her the afternoon while I take Andrew back to the hotel.

Something that just came to my attention as the doctor was talking with us was Andrew expressing deep concern for Emily. He just crawled up into my arms was moping and sighing. I asked him what was wrong and he said, "I'm just worried about Emily. Is she going to have to get stitches?"

Maria mentioned that he was earlier talking about how worried he was for her. He's alright about it all now after realizing that she is going to be fine.

Thanks again to everyone for thinking of us and Emily. This is her first step and a big one.

Will post more later.

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