Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Out of Surgery and in Recovery

We're all with Emily now in recovery and it will just take some time.

What we're most interested in is that she did have what the surgeon calls, "2-3 events." What that means is there were 2-3 instances in which the spinal cord was compromised. That translates right now that she has some weakness and tingling on her right side from her arms to her toes. Still too soon to say what this will be long term, but the best part of it is that she can move all parts of her body and there's been no significant damage that we can determine at this time.

The surgeon described to us the monitoring disruptions during the surgery and that due to the spinal cord disruption, they could not extend her as far as they had hoped to without causing more damage.

Emily says her back is hurting and very sensitive to touch, but she's talking.

I (dad) will be staying with her tonight in the ICU and we will see what tomorrow brings.

We're thankful that this is appearing to be over, for the most part, and now we looking to a full recovery.

Thank you to everyone for the prayers, texts, visits, cards, emails. Please continue to intercede on her behalf that she heals completely and has the best outlook for the future.

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