Thursday, October 10, 2019

End of Day Thursday, October 10, 2019

The day was quite eventful in which Emily was surrounded by staff this morning trying to figure out the best way to drain the fluid from her right lung.

They began by doing an ultrasound to verify the location and amount of fluid and then sedated her, taking her into surgery to install a drain line into the lining of her lung. Apparently the fluid was not actually in the lung, but in the lining of the lung and the outer wall. The fluid was actually collapsing her lung inhibiting her breathing.

At around 1:30 p.m. they were done and drained between 200-250 ccs equivalent to a cup of water, 8 oz. After that was done, I made a quick trip to home and get another change of clothes and came back.

It was noticeable that her situation had greatly improved and was able to talk.

Her biggest complaint was not being able to freely move her right leg, which is still tingling. The stomach area is still ultra sensitive, however, she's not whimpering or moaning like before, which shows drastic improvement and most of the discomfort was caused by the shallow breathing.

I suspect we should have a very restful night and tomorrow is a new day.


Erna said...

I hope Emily does great now on!! Jesus will be with her and you all the way through this process! God bless your family :) hugs and much love

Unknown said...

Tell Emily she is our hero. She is so brave and strong. We are praying for her daily!

Corrie K said...

One tough cookie! So glad they realized what was causing the problem and took care of it relatively quickly! Love and hugs sweet Emily!

Patriot said...

Praying for the brilliant and sweet Emily! She is such a strong little lady and an inspiration, for sure! Much love, Miranda, Gunner, Jet, and TJ