Thursday, March 13, 2008

Medical Results - Thursday, March 13th

Maria Marcela received a phone call from the doctor yesterday with Emily's blood test results. Thankfully everything came back normal. There were no signs of lead poisoning which is one of the common things they look for in children coming from particular environments such as a highly polluted city as Tianjin is.

We are still waiting for the stool sample results, which should come later. Next will be her appointment with the specialist to determine the severity and recommended treatment for her spine. Aside from her condition, she is definately gaining strength and it wouldn't surprise me if she is walking in a few months. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but it's a definate possibility. We're giving her some goat's milk that we got from my mother in east Texas this past weekend.

On that note, we had them all over for the weekend to introduce Emily to her extended family and we also enjoyed a wonderful welcome home gathering Saturday night over at John and Becky Elliott's home in McKinney. Monica Noguera-Jedamski, Jeannette Gordon-Reinoso and Becky were terrific in hosting with about 50 people in attendance.

On another note, throughout this whole process, many people have asked about our adoption and why. In the next post, I hope to answer that.

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