Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Surgery #9 - September 23, 2014

If my calculations are correct, today's surgery marks #9 for Emily including the two initial spinal cord surgeries. This surgery was initially scheduled for August, however, we were checked in with all pre ops being completed only to have the surgeon have an emergency come up for another patient. We were most agreeable in deferring.

Today was a bit unique in the sense that the surgery has typically been on a Thursday with check in the prior day. In this case, since we had just done pre ops (blood and xrays) the month prior, we didn't have to go through that again and were able to drive in this morning around 6 a.m.

We are most appreciated that a friend, Mark Welch, came and joined me before Emily went in and spent the entire time waiting until she was out of surgery before having to leave. We tried our best to wake her before he left, but to no avail.

She's in quite a bit of pain, but just was administered some medicine and is now sleeping after chugging a cup of cranberry juice. The surgeon removed the right veptr and lengthened the spine veptr by about a half inch. We're wondering how she will respond to not having that right veptr in for over 5 years.

Will keep you posted.